

Bulldogs are a unique breed in more ways than one, but one of the most important characteristics to note is their tendency to become overheated. As we make our way into the hot summer months, it’s crucial to understand how to keep your dog healthy and happy in the heat.


  1. Do not force your bulldog to exercise excessively. Bulldogs love to play, but they don’t always know their own limits and will run at full speed until they drop
    from exhaustion. Be aware of your dog’s activities and monitor them to ensure they aren’t putting themselves at risk for becoming too hot.
  2. Do not take your bulldog outside in hot weather unless absolutely necessary. Bulldogs are best kept as indoor dogs, especially during extreme hot (or cold) conditions. If you do take your dog outside in the heat, be sure to keep cold water on hand in case of an emergency.
  3. When outdoors, give your dog plenty of shade. Due to the overall easy-going nature of bulldogs, they won’t necessarily get up to alert you if they are uncomfortably warm. If you’re hosting a backyard BBQ or taking a dip in the pool, keep your bulldog in a well-shaded area and do not leave them unattended for long periods of time.
  4. Overheating can happen indoors, too. Just because your dog is inside doesn’t mean he’s comfortable. If your home feels hot to you, it’s even hotter for your four-legged friend. Keep fans on hand and be sure to always have a full bowl of water available, especially if your bulldog’s favorite resting spot is in front of a sun-filled window.
  5. Be aware of the signs of overheating and heatstroke.  Since bulldogs don’t pant as much as ordinary dogs due to their short snouts, they can’t maintain normal body temperature as easily. Dry, dark, or abnormally pale gums, unresponsiveness, abnormal breathing, glossy or glazed eyes, and vomiting are tell-tale signs of an overheated bulldog. If you notice your dog is acting lethargic or exhibiting any of the above symptoms, soak the dog in cool (NOT cold) water using a hose, wet towels, or a bathtub or kiddie pool. Concentrate on the nose, head, and neck areas as well as behind all four legs. If there is no noticeable improvement after following these steps, seek immediate help from your veterinarian to prevent heat-stroke and more serious health issues.

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